Sunday 11 January 2009

Christmas Blown out!

Well I cant say much about Christmas 2008 apart from I did get some nice presents. New years eve was not much of a party in our house this year either. I have been suffering from this awful stomach bug thats been going round, well so the doctor says, I can honestly say I have never felt so ill, now its like learning to walk again Im so weak. I feel sure I have lost around 2 stone in weight, as all I could do was live on water, with the odd soft sweet to stop my mouth from drying up totally. The last day I had a meal was Christmas day since then its been water and the odd cuppa soup, that seemed to make it worse so declined on those in the end. It was quite strange really cause after some time you get to not miss food. Although, you don't realise how weak you are getting, I could not believe how much energy it took getting from my bed to the bathroom! By the time I got back I just fell onto the bed.This week has been much the same, but have managed to try some creamed rice, I was suprised how it settled my stomach, I could only manage 3 spoons of it! I have noticed you have to eat what you really want to eat otherwise you will be back in the bathroom and in need of a sick bowl. I still feel really weak, its such an effort to get up and down the stairs, my poor dog thinks I am on my last legs and cant understand why I am not eating. I have managed more creamed rice, with the added bonus of a piece of fish at tea time. Just trying to eat to get my strength back now. I am still getting some pain but trying to cope with that, its the times when you feel at death's door are most worrying. Guess that will pass eventually fingers crossed. So I hope to be back into my crafting when my body allows, at present time I have no ideas on crafts and feel unable to cope with making a card or such. So until the big light bulb appears in my head I am going to rest up and get myself well again. So keep well everyone!

1 comment:

andrea said...

holly i am so sorry to hear you have been poorly i hope you feel better soon there is a little something on my blog for you